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Friday 14 February 2020

WAFBEC 2020 Day 2 morning session - Bishop Wale Oke

Prophecies before sermon
- If you are not dead, the glory will crush you. Let God take you through your own funeral and resurrect you, then you can carry the glory.

- When God establishes a church, he gives it a piece of the land.

- The blessing you're looking for is beside you. You only need for your eyes to be open. Hagar, Gehazi.

- Pastors, God is giving you land. Receive your land. The place where you will blossom, from where you will fulfill your destiny.

Sermon Topic - Fasting

Fasting is one of the principal weapons of our warfare

- Engaging in fasting grows you in godliness. 1 Tim 4:8
- It humbles your soul. Ps 69:10
- It is an access to grace. God gives grace to the humble.
- It teaches us discipline. It is a spiritual discipline that feeds your spirit. Kenneth Hagin said that whatever feeds your spirit starves your flesh and whatever feeds your flesh, starves your spirit.
- It is an exercise in godliness.
- It is engagement in spiritual warfare if used correctly.
- Patriarchs of old used it to drive their prayer life, to seek God diligently. 
- Fasting is a means by which we tap into divine help.
- It is a means by which we get heaven's attention when done correctly. Isa 58:3, Esther 4:16
- It gets God into the array to deal with your enemies. A means of securing divine intervention.

Fasting does not atone for sin. If you're living in sin and fasting, you're wasting your time.
Proudful fast (wanting everyone to know you're spiritual) is a waste of time 

How to fast properly
1.  Your fasting must be unto the Lord. The devil should not be your focus. Zech. 7:5
2.  Must be done in humility. Ps 35:18. Devoid of boasting, arrogance, showmanship.
3.  Have a clearly defined purpose.
4.  Feast on the Word
5.  Engage in ernest prayer. 
6.  If you break by mistake, don't beat yourself down, don't go a guilt trip. Get up and continue
7.  Add an act of charity or benevolence. Isa 58

Practice fasting. Even if very weak, God can hear you. The thoughts of men's hearts speak louder before the throne of God than their words. You cannot seek God too much. Be sincere. God sees your heart. 

Radiant ~ February 2020

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