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Saturday, 22 August 2015

YALI West Africa Week 3

This week was less hectic than last. I was glad to not come back from classes with bloodshot eyes and a headache like I did last week. We got a lot of inspiration from guest speakers. One was Farida Bedwei, a young woman who rose against her cerebral palsy disability to become a software programmer and CEO of her own tech company. It was a very inspiring moment for us. We left there asking ourselves what excuse we had for not living out our full potentials. I learnt from her to delete ' I can't ' from my vocabulary but rather replace it with 'I will try'.

This week we were privileged to meet with the former president of Ghana, President John Kuffour

We also sent forth Prof. Ofori Dankwa of the Siginaw Valley State University, Michigan, who had been our facilitator from the beginning alongside Prof. Saffou and Dr. Marc Hardy. We are all going to miss him. We all love his style of teaching which he calls 'serious play'. He taught us the YALI song, introduced YALI time instead of African time, taught us how to sandwich our critical comments. We were blessed to have him with us. We only wish he could stay some more.


Click here for Week 2

Click here for Week 4

Sunday, 9 August 2015

YALI West Africa Week2

This week we were drilled with so many assignments and team projects, working with short deadlines, having altercations within our teams, e.t.c. It was a challenging experience. 

My team emerged winner of the 8 teams in Elephant Group. Our assignment was to create a poster showing the practical, creative and individual strategies we propose for fighting corruption.

There were 24 teams, 3 big groups: Lions, Elephants and Eagles. So we had 3 winners, one from each group.

Meet my team

Winning poster from Lions's group

Creative works from other teams


Click here to see week 3

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

YALI West Africa Week 1

I'm brimming with gratefulness to God for the privilege of being a participant at the pioneer set of Young African Leaders Initiative West Africa, an Obama initiative created to discover and train young emerging African leaders in the areas of business and entrepreneurship, public administration and civic leadership. It's been interesting and very educative. I've made some friends from Ghana, The Gambia, Liberia and even fellow Nigerians. As characteristic of me, I've been taking a lot of selfies with them. One of my new friends from Sierra Leone has even promised to send me a selfie stick when he gets back. Hahahaha. 

 When we arrived Kotoka airport, Accra.

 That's me right there as the link forming letter 'A'
 If Scrabble aint part of a program, that program aint for me. Lol
We had excess food, well still do. May I not come back with folds
Elephant group taking a pic with our facilitator, Dr. Marc Hardy and his wife on their last day with us
 What I do best

Radiant ~ August 2015

Click here for Week 2