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The blogging sphere has crowded up very quickly in the past decade and it even looks like YouTube is taking over. Starting a blog in 2021 se...

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

West Africa Faith Believers Conference 2016

The West Africa Faith Believers Conference 2016 has been ongoing since Friday 22nd January. It continues till this Friday 29th January. It has been a prophetic, power-packed experience I wish you didn't miss. Please if you've not been around, try and make it for the remaining sessions. We've had the following speakers so far: Pastors Mark and Trina Hankins, Dr. Mike Murdock, Bishop Wale Oke, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Bishop Feb Idahosa, Pastor Efe Obuke, Pastor Cyril Yerifor, Pastor Iyang Okutiyang. Some of them like Dr. Mike Murdock still have sessions to take. Future appearances include: Dr. Bill Winston and many more. 

Dr. Mike Murdock today

Bishop Feb Idahosa

Be there!

Radiant~ January 2016

Please note that Radiant's Blog has been moved to another site: www.radiant.ng
For more recent posts and comments please visit radiant.ng and subscribe to the mailing list. Thanks for your support.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

West Africa Bloggers Conference 2016

I am so excited that I made a very good choice today by going for the West Africa Bloggers Conference held at Berkeley Hotel on Isaac John street, Ikeja, Lagos. It was a remarkable experience. I learnt a whole lot about blogging business and was challenged to action. I also networked with fellow bloggers and even got some gifts. It was interesting to see people who had gone through the hurdles and had made it, people trying to establish their grounds like me, people who just started blogging and aspiring bloggers in the same atmosphere hungry for knowledge. I learnt many things about social media that I never knew.

It was a 2-day program which started yesterday but I could only attend today's. We had about 7 speakers today. Ifeanyi Aniagoh, Senior Special Assistant to the Governor of Anambra state on Social Media inspired us to "blog responsibly". He challenged us to quit circulating bad news but rather look for good in every story and promote it. Telling us of how blogging this way led him to serving the government of Anambra state, he emphasized, "shun gossip, shun porn, blog responsibly". 

Adebayo Owolabi, MD Tripple A taught about the importance and components of a business plan for bloggers and desktop publishers. Oladimeji Oduyebo on brand relationship with social media said, "Social media is a strong influencer of emotional connection and consumer perception through relationship building. A blogger should be a good writer, have sound and unique content, be trendy and IT savvy, have strong relationship management, a knack for details, depth in social media and know how to manage success". He admonished us to cultivate the habit of studying other blogs in our niche, quoted "you can't be a blogger in a particular segment and the only blog you know in that segment is your own blog".

Stephen Akintayo, MD Gtext Media taught on marketing funnel and blog monetization. One thing I took away from his session is to always express my thanks. He said, "you can't touch your customer's pocket if you've not touched their heart".

Taiwo Ogunlade, Communications Manager Google West Africa took us on Search Engine Optimization 101 and tips for Web Managers. He asked us to make learning at least one computer programming language this year's resolution most especially for us bloggers, HTML. He also said, "if the day you want to start a blog it is about making money, you'll never do. Blogging is about passion".

Tunde Faniran, a blogger and fellow participant did a short presentation about his journey into blogging and Google analytics.

Our host Ayo Oyebade, MD Advert Striker and also a blogger rounded it off with his talk on profitable niche in blogging. He said, "niche blogging zeroes in on strategically selected audience and makes you an expert in that particular field".

I won a lunch bag from MTN for having one of the most impressions on Twitter with the hashtag #WABC2016. The first two were given wall clocks.

To everyone, MTN also gave out umbrellas and goody bags containing wrist bands and thermostat cups.

Many thanks to the organizers and sponsors of this conference including MTN, Spectranet, Google, Fidson and Spaneck. I look forward to West Africa Bloggers Conference 2017. 

©Radiant~ January 2016

Please note that Radiant's Blog has been moved to another site: www.radiant.ng

For more recent posts and comments please visit radiant.ng and subscribe to the mailing list. Thanks for your support.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Character Check

Pastor Bankie says that one of the reasons God gives us jobs is to build character. You have to develop discipline, patience, tolerance with fellow workers and customers, humility. You don't know what's in you until you're pushed to the wall.

Well, I didn't know how bad my character was until a patient's relative pointed it out yesterday. 

She said I was rude and disrespectful. I never imagined one could use those terms in describing me. I thought I was just the gentle doctor that minds her own business. I was quite hurt on hearing that, but thankful to God that it was pointed out. And I knew what the root of the problem was. 

Yesterday, a young woman had visited with her husband who had been discharged the previous day. He was to receive his daily parenteral medications. They were sitting on the couch near the door when I saw them. I walked close to them and waited for eye contact before I greeted. The patient was the one that looked my direction. I looked at his wife to turn to me so I could greet her too but she didn't look. So I felt she was not in a good mood and I left. When it was time to administer the drug, I asked the patient into my office. He took some time to come. When he did he said he wanted to ask me a question. He then said, "my wife refused to come in with me. Do you two have any issues?" "No Sir o. Not that I know of". "Well, I know you ladies make an issue out of what shouldn't be an issue. I've told her that before. She said that she's been observing your attitude towards her. Something about you asking her to carry your bag on the first day and when you greeted me you didn't greet her". I was shocked that my thoughtless actions had so much ramification. "Sir, if you noticed, when I came out I stood for a while before greeting you. I was actually waiting for you to make eye contact with me and you did. When she didn't look my direction, I didn't want to throw my greeting into the air."

I've tried to explain to her to bear with you because you're an Igbo girl. You know we Yorubas, we like respect. At least, a show of it even if you don't mean it."

"I'll talk to her"

So when my boss came to see the patient, I stole the opportunity to go talk to the lady. I sat beside her. She gave me one what's-your-own look. I tried to be as calm as I could. "Good afternoon Ma. Please I want to know if you have any issues with me that I'm not aware of."
"Don't worry. It's been sorted out", she said it with some sarcastic tone. I persisted, "Please it will be good I know so that I wouldn't do it next time." Then she rapped out,

"I don't like how you have treated me since we came in here. You have been very rude and disrespectful".

"How Ma?"

"You are a doctor. You are supposed to treat your patients with respect. You said I should carry your bag, then I should put on the A.C. I had even forgotten about all those ones. I didn't have any issues with you today but the worst of it all is that you came and greeted my husband and didn't greet me. Why would you do that?" 

"I am sorry Ma but please hear my own side of the story so you can see this from my own perspective."

"When you both came into my office the first day, I saw you were standing and so I offered you a seat. (I had asked her husband to sit at the patient's seat) My bag was on that seat so I said that you could put the bag on the bed."

"I should carry your bag"

"Ma, what could I have done? It would be awkward to stretch out my hand over the table to remove the bag. Then about the A.C. Remember, it was the day I was checking his BP in the ward. I said I couldn't hear anything that maybe it was because of the noise from the A.C so I asked you to turn off the A.C. After I finished I said you could turn the A.C back on. Should I have left just like that? I wanted to greet you too but since you weren't looking my direction I couldn't."

"Who said I must look at you before you greet. It is how you say things that's the issue. I am a Yoruba lady. I can read different meanings to what you say. "You can remove the bag", she mimicked with some sarcasm "you can put on the A.C."

I am sorry.

No problem.

Thank you.

Lessons Learnt: Never allow someone's reaction towards you influence your courtesy towards them. The difference between the statements 'you can' and 'could you' might be the difference between love and war. 

©Radiant~ January 2016

Please note that Radiant's Blog has been moved to another site: www.radiant.ng
For more recent posts and comments please visit radiant.ng and subscribe to the mailing list. Thanks for your support.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

I Won't Stop Writing

Right now I feel so fulfilled. I slept pretty fagged out last night and woke up in the middle of the night picking up my phone to respond to comments on my last post (I really wish that those who sent me their comments actually left their comments on the blog and not just on our private chats on BBM or Whatsapp). After I was done, my eyes were peeled so I decided to read through some of my old posts (actually looking for errors to correct). It turned out to be the best thing I have done in recent times, a very good cathartic. I have been so refreshed by just going through some posts from two years ago till last year. I read some posts I thought weren't so good and I was amazed at my dexterity. I read my poems: We'll spoil everything, Hard work vs Head work, Dangerous, Holding hands, Lockdown and I was like Mhen, I'm good. Read my memoirs: Trembling digits, Confessions of a trembling heart, Lessons learnt, Motor Park Brouhaha, e.t.c and I was really impressed. I was even inspired to write more because I felt significant again. I began to thank God again for this gift. I had almost started considering my writing as of little importance but reading those posts last night rekindled the fire in me. When you despise your gift, you begin to lose it. I must confess last year I had begun to lose it. I think I was too sensitive to hate comments that they left me thinking 'maybe this is not as important as I think'. I'm grateful for some personal messages I got from people (many I didn't even know personally) on Facebook about how my blog meant something to them. Many encouraged me. I try to screen-grab those messages at times so when I'm in the blues, they could encourage me. I never knew I'd get this much upliftment from my own writing. It's amazing. Now I'm confident that even if it's only God that sees what I write, I won't stop writing.

Here are excerpts from some of my favourite posts. Click on the highlights to read full article.

Here I am
loafing away
like a king
on the roof
petting his senses
on a leafless Eve's navel
when princes
have gone to battle...

...My crew's performing
I'm here sulking,
angry at my joblessness
and restlessness
Even the rain is at work
catering, cleaning, making music
I sprawl on my table
like one that's lost a gamble...

©Radiant~July 2015

...There could be love in unexpected places
Like treasure veiled in uninviting cases
Thunderous victories in unprepared races
And in gifts as teensy as tiny shoe laces

Some seek love in lemon Lamborghinis
Others in blue perfumed bedrooms
I found it in the pain and punctured palms
Of a marred and mangled man

©Radiant~ December 2014
(In the spirit of Christmas)

Keep your hands off my waist
And your lips far from mine
Please don't be in a haste
Wait until I am thine
Keep your feet when we dine
And your legs please don't swing
Take heed lest we are drunk on wine
If not, we'll spoil everything...

Touch not
You can, after the ring
If not
We'll spoil everything

©Radiant~February 2014

...Some sit on seats pressing keys
While the surly sun kisses your bald
They work with their heads
You work with your hands
And they spend not as much your brawn
They live in big mansions
You live in big cartons
'Cause you've spent not as much their brain

©Radiant~February 2014

I heard it in my sleep, followed by a shriek of terror. My memory cells recognized it immediately. I jumped up. But before I could leap out of bed, my roommate beckoned me to calm down. 'Shhhh', she motioned with her index finger on her lips. 'Stay where you are', she whispered. I dissolved into some transient peace and I knew this was when all my confessions mattered the most. I had found some scriptures on safety since the last incident and had confessed them most nights. I even confessed one before I slept that night. 'In peace, I will both lie down and sleep because You alone make me dwell in safety'. Did I really believe it?... Confessions of a Trembling Heart~ March 2015

The aroma from the door was inviting. I had a variety of flavors to choose from and I was permitted to taste before ordering. I thought that was cool. So I tasted Berry blah-blah, Rocky blah-blah, Blueberry blah-blah and Butter Pecan. I already knew how Vanilla tasted 'cause that has been my favourite flavour ever since I was like 8. I remember doing a TV commercial for an unpopular drink, Energen drink and I was to say, 'Mom, I like vanilla' and I really preferred the vanilla flavor to the chocolate and coffee flavours it had. Well, if you ever saw the advert, on Minaj TV and some stations in Anambra, that little girl that radiated so bright as the sun— yeah, that was me. Those days, once the advert began, my siblings would call me and I'll scurry to the parlor to watch myself on TV. It was amazing and surprising too to see how fair I was... Night at Cream Slices~ February 2015

'Anyi abanyego na tipa bu aja!', exclaimed a passenger. By this time yesterday, I was in the middle of an uproar that ended in a torn shirt, raised blood pressures and someone at risk of losing his job. I was to travel from Enugu to Lagos yesterday and by 7am I was at a popular traveling company's motor park in Enugu. I went to the counter to buy a ticket and was told to buy it from the bus where an agent was selling them. I counted my cash and handed it over, watching circumspectly to see that there was no behind-the-scene business like my friend experienced last month in that same park... Motorpark Brouhaha~ December 2014

This was the state I found myself in on July 18, 2014 at some minutes past two in the morning. Following the previous day's hectic work, I had zonked out and sailed off to dreamland unsuspectingly until I sprang off my bed awoken by the characteristic sounds that I heard. I had heard a lady exclaim 'Jesus!' as an iron boot collided with a wooden door. I knew immediately what it was. My sister had told me that the compound had been attacked earlier in the year, so my memory cells picked the signals quickly. I saw myself hiding my iPad, picking my phone and blanket, switching off the light and running into the kitchen. I put the phone on silent mode and quickly hid it, then I held the door so tenaciously that I could have broken the handle, were it present. Since there was no handle, my fingers latched on the holes in the handle space and lost their blood supply. My heart raced like a hundred-meter sprinter and my breathing could be heard. My fingers shook so badly out of terror. This was the first time I was experiencing a robbery...Trembling Digits~ October 2014

And many more...

©Radiant ~January 2016

Please note that Radiant's Blog has been moved to another site: www.radiant.ng
For more recent posts and comments please visit radiant.ng and subscribe to the mailing list. Thanks for your support.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today is my daddy's birthday. Sitting in my office, I decided to play back some nice memories I've had with him.

Growing up, moments with Daddy were very significant ones. You'd not forget them in a hurry because you left him either crying or jubilating. You couldn't be in-between. Either you were getting a lash on your palm or a chicken on your lap. He loved Chicken Suya and used to buy it on his way back from work. We anticipated mouth-watering Suya many nights. When someone said "Daddy is calling you", it sent our hearts into our mouths until we had gotten to the bottom of the matter. Luckily, it would be to pick our share of some roasted Ube or to finish his meal. The latter I loved very much. I didn't like that Daddy had to eat the 'special' meal always. Even days that we had beans on both menus, Daddy's meal would be prepared separately from ours and there was always a difference in taste, Daddy's tasting much better. That sentence became so powerful that if Mummy was waking one of us to eat dinner and we refused, all she needed to say was, "Daddy is calling you" and the once somnolent bleary-eyed would have sprung up heading towards the sitting room before they are stopped by the rest of us giggling and calling after them, "It's a lie o". Mummy never liked that statement. She preferred us to say "it's not true". I couldn't see the difference.

We celebrated birthdays privately in our home at nights. After Mummy had succeeded in asking Daddy to turn off the TV or lower its volume, we would sing some praises and pray for the celebrant, then sing a happy birthday song with three "Hip! hip!! hip!!!" calls and three "Hurray!!!" responses, the last being the loudest, then we would devour the snacks and drinks while Dad turned the TV back on. He would never miss his 9 o'clock news. Sometime during the celebration, Mummy would sneak out to get the birthday gift. Once we heard her singing our beloved song "I want to say, I love you", we would drop our munch and form a train behind her singing till we reached the celebrant who by now would be all smiles and with open arms expectantly receive their gift. We would rally round them as they opened the gift and the happiness would continue. This was a family tradition. But Daddy's birthday was special. We always looked forward to it because apart from our ordinary snacks and drinks, he would have bought some pastries from Happy Bite, our favorite fast-food joint. So we would have things like ham burger, meat pies and donuts, even ice cream.

When travelling back to the village for Christmas, we had to choose whose car to enter- Daddy's or Mummy's. Either had its advantage and its disadvantage. We were sure that with Daddy, it would be a fast cozy ride and he was going to buy some 'chewables' on the road. However, we would have to wait for Mummy and the rest before we could enter the house (she always had the key) and the rest would seem to have had more fun on their ride. Most times, the boys just went with Daddy and the girls went with Mummy. 

As I watch him develop gray hairs, Daddy has become softer and more loving. Family morning devotions are more interesting because Daddy always has a story to tell. He has demonstrated discipline, hard work and resilience for us. We have seen him bounce back from appalling situations. As he adds another year to his time on earth, I pray that God strengthens him even more. May he live longer and enjoy the fruit of his labour. May he see his children's children even to the fourth generation and may he still be vigorous and fruitful at that age, offering wisdom to the younger generations. And when he's left this phase of eternity, may he dwell in the presence of God forever. Amen.  

I love you Daddy.

©Radiant~ January 2016

Monday, 4 January 2016

Happy New Year

Hi guys. Holiday is over and in case you need a reminder, the year has begun. We are now in the year 2016. One thing you should know- the year is made up of 12 months, 4 complete weeks in each month plus some spill over and 7 days in each week. The choices you make daily are what determine how the year will be. So, what choice are you making right now? 

I'd love to:
Get closer to God by seeking Him more this year
Read more
Help more
Be more diligent

I have expectations for this year like we all do and I want to see them come to pass, even more than I imagine. I pray we all have the best year of our lives. I pray I continue to be a blessing to you, to inspire, motivate, encourage, help you by my posts and that you bless me with lovely comments, prayers and wishes and testimonies of transformed lives. Let's do this again.

Happy new year!

©Radiant~ 2016