but not naive
as heads flew
and blood spilled
and fear grew;
Onitsha was
a terror zone
One day as
we were riding
back home from
school, mummy
driving, me on the back
seat with my siblings, we were
caught in traffic and we saw their
vehicle. They were carrying weapons,
knives, red scarves. I think one was lifting
a head over his head. Blood drained down his
chest. We drove past and I gasped at something
that looked like a doll's head lying lifeless on the
black tarmac. It was human and it was already
white. Some said they saw the arms and
legs lying somewhere. It was terrible,
terrifying. They said they were
cleaning out the streets
Robbers were in for it
Everyone that had ever
stolen meat from a pot was
sorry. Only saints plied the road
Guilty ones disappeared to other
states. Onitsha was now 'safer' than
ever but terror was palpable. A few
families bore the grief for loved
ones beheaded in cold
blood. One day we
heard some good news:
Eddie n'Awgu was dead. Thanks
to Bakassi. Eddie n'Awgu had held
the town in much terror for so long
Like with Marfian bosses, everyone
feared him. He called himself
half human and half spirit
His Odeshi didn't work
this time.I heard he
had a hotel where
they fed on human
parts. Bakassi
had succeeded
in cutting the head
of the snake.There
was jubilation on
the streets of Osha
just like when Gen.
Sani Abacha died
They became heroes
We couldn't tolerate robbers
but we tolerated ruthless murderers
For it is written 'The wages of sin is death'
©Radiant~July 2015