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Sunday, 31 December 2017

Gratitude and Lessons Learnt in 2017

We have come to the end of the year, when people sit down to take account of their lives for the past 365 days, to review goals, identify shortcomings, take correction and make new year resolutions. While we are eager to focus on goals not achieved and to plan for the new year, I pray we do not forget to thank God for His faithfulness. The year might not have gone as we had hoped, but the One who is in charge of our lives might have altered your plans or allowed them go haywire because He is the One in control. He knows the end He has planned for you and if you love Him, then rest assured that all things are working together for your good. You might have made mistakes, recognize them, learn your lessons, leave behind the guilt and move on to the new year because God has so much in store for you. What lies ahead is much better than your past. 

I am particularly thankful to the Lord for this year. I am not one of those that make plans for the new year. I hardly have set goals to achieve in a year. I just always want to be a better me. I strive daily to gain strength in the areas of my weakness, to know God more, and to live a fruitful happy life. This year has been a year of great learning, foundations and mentalities corrected, fresh energy and passion to do the things I once hated, and a year of fighting the enemy called fear. By the experiences God granted me this year, I have learnt and unlearnt a lot, most especially about my attitude to work. Some of the lessons I learnt include: 
  • If you are not productive, you should not expect the earth to produce for you (simply put, if you don't work, you should not eat) 

  • Work is first about serving others and not about what you like or don't like 

  • Work is not first about what you can gain but what you can give 

  • Prosperity comes when you serve others and gain expertise in that service 

  • When you know that it is not first about you, but about the people you serve, you will do the inconvenient, you will seek more knowledge, you will acquire skill, you will show up even though tired. That is how wealth is created. Indeed, the complacency of the fool is his ruin (Proverbs 1:32). A little sleep, a little slumber, and poverty will overtake like a bandit (Proverbs 24:33-34). 

  • Dreams cannot be realized on a hungry stomach 

  • Fear robs us of great opportunities  
I am ready for greater productivity in 2018. I am ready to contribute my quota to planet earth. Thank you Lord for the past year. I am grateful and I trust that what's in store in 2018 is glorious. I step in with expectation. Make me know you more, make me more like You in 2018, strengthen my weak parts and make me be a blessing to many. These I pray in Jesus name. Amen. 

Have a productive and prosperous new year folks. I’d love to see your comments below. 

Radiant ~ December 2017

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