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The blogging sphere has crowded up very quickly in the past decade and it even looks like YouTube is taking over. Starting a blog in 2021 se...

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

WAFBEC 2020 Day 4 morning session - Dr Cindy Trimm

We are going to see the rise of prophets
You know you're part of a new thing when you have a shift in your vocabulary 
God will move you into the realm of innovation
You will know what to do every month because God will give you strategy
What you have lost in the past decade, you will play catch up this year.
God will upgrade you mentally

3 mantles coming out of the church - the prophetic, kingdom and priestly .

The world is divided binomially - natural and spiritual
There are 12 kingdoms, under which there are 12 systems
Systems are made up of fields, industries and sectors
Industries, fields and sectors influence communities and communities influence families.

This season, God will give you
1. Open heavens
2. Spiritual acuity - seeing things way ahead of time. The mantle of the prophet. Natural sight, dreams, vision, perspectives. God will atune your ear to His frequency.
The mantle of Daniel - interpret times and seasons. 
3. Innovation - God will move you to a realm of innovation. 
4. Indispensability - God will make us indispensable. Industries will say,  we may not like them but we cannot do without them.

In this generation and decade, there is going to be a restoration of identity. God will redefine what it means to be human. 

Education is not as powerful as revelation. 
Why stop at the level of a degree when you can have the mind of Christ?

You will never lose in life when you understand who you are.

When God wants to do something new, he starts with an individual who will be tested in his family, community, system and then kingdom.

There is an activation of faith in the church

When you are planted in an industry , you need to first ask what is the problem you have called me to solve. You have to match your gifts to the problems.

Isa 43:19-21
Goodbye yesterday - the power of innovation 

Noah the trend setter 
Joseph the game changer
Abraham the history maker
Esther the gap filler
Jacob odds defier

Theme - This is a decade of innovation 
Part One - Noah the Trend Setter

Gen 7:12, Matthew 24:38-39, Heb 11:7

God warned him about the coming trend. He was not going to be affected by the trend but was going to be a trend setter. We are not going to be swept away by the trend, but set the trend.
This season we will live without fear, because God will give us heads up. Faith will take me into the realm of unlimited potentials.

This is a decade to study the Word of God. The Word of God is going to be my life, my GPS system to navigate the changing times. 

People in my industry are measuring their performance by my performance. I am the edge. 
2 Kings 6:16-17

As God sends me into my industry to possess mountains, I will be surrounded by angels. 

I'm coming into a decade of revelation.

I'm a faith believer. I'm seeing beyond the natural.

God is filling my mind with dreams and visions, showing me coming trends. My mind is no longer filled with yesterday. I have new cycles. New cycles of influence, power, dominion, innovation. The new is here. 

God is giving me new concepts, new ideas, new philosophies that will push my industry forward. 

1 Sam 3:21
This year God will reveal himself to me. 
Eph 1:18 - 19, God is birthing me into a new realm of greatness. 

Nigeria is the leading super power in the continent of Africa

God will raise Nigeria to reset the calibrating system of other nations.

The anointing of Japheth is upon me.
Japheth means open. My eyes of understanding are open. We will learn, unlearn and relearn. 
Sham and ham mean fire. I will be on fire. People will watch me burn. 

The significance of the number 40
Mourning - Joseph. They mourned Joseph for 40days. Your mourning days are over.
Moses had 3 separate occasions of being on the mount for 40days
You will select 40 days 3x this year that you will go into the mountain of the Lord, to collect the strategy that will sustain you for the next 10yrs.

For the next 40yrs God will download to me supernatural strategies.

We are entering the 4th industrial revolution 

In the world to come AI will replace jobs. 

Robots by 2030 will outnumber the entire population of human beings. 
Psalm 91:1-5, 2 Cor 3:18

Biotech, body hacking, 5G will be ubiquitous. There will be smart drugs, green tech, Robocops, smart cars, lip reading CCT(V), aqua tech, high speed travel.

This is a generation of innovation.

Radiant ~ Jan 2020

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

WAFBEC 2020 Day 2 Evening session - Bishop Wale Oke

You step into your glory today
Every thing that has intimidated you before, you will dominate them
Tonight, the glory will change you.
The glory will make all things new in your life.
You will never recover from tonight.
The past years of your life are preparatory for tonight.
Tonight enter into destiny fulfillment

The winds from the 4 corners of the earth will blow in your favour. I can see you lifted for generational celebrations
Someone lost something precious 12 yrs ago. You thought and you said this is irreparable.
In this house tonight, what you lost 12 yrs ago, you are taking it home. Joel 2:25

The enemy put the destiny of Joseph on hold until his Word came.
Everything was changed. His prison garment was changed. Get ready for a change of garment.
His status changed. The gates, bars and fetters were destroyed.

Somebody here, you will hit the front page of the newspaper through a significant appointment

When your Word comes, everything must change.

There will be multiple weddings.

Cancer is vanishing, tumour is vanishing, leukaemia is vanishing.
Tonight God will trouble your trouble.

Every plant that the enemy has planted I root them up.

The Word heals you. Receive healing.

If you want to know what you look like, don't look at the mirror. Look at God. Whatever is not in God, should not be found in you.

Gen 1:26-28
By reason of creation, we are dignified. By reason of redemption, we are super dignified.
The first interaction man had with God was a blessing.

From today, for the rest of my life, I will walk in the blessing.

Be fruitful.
Twins are being distributed
Many of you will receive triplets

Some great children shall come out of this ministry
Children that will take care of you in your old age, children that will nurture you, children that you're proud of. Children like Isaac.

Lev 25:19
My land shall yield her fruit.

Gen 26:12, Deut 1:11

God's power to multiply is infinite.
This year God will give me multiplied harvests.
Great estates, great houses

The harvest of 10 yrs in this one year.
Through the favour of the most High God, my wealth will multiply, my honour will multiply.
This single year, you will register achievements that will last 1000 years

Radiant ~ Jan 2020

WAFBEC 2020 Day 1 evening session - Bishop Wale Oke

Theme text: Revelation 21: 1-6

WAFBEC 2020 Theme: Behold I do a new thing

Our Lord is a God that loves new things.

The Bible talks about new heaven, new earth, new covenant, new Testament, new Jerusalem, new creature, new things, new moon, new wine, new name, new song, new mercies, new spirit, new commandments, new tongue, new man, new birth, new heart, etc.

The promise in Revelations 21:5 was talking about an age to come. But the Bible talks about people who experience the powers of the age to come (Hebrews 6:5).

Through faith you can experience of the power of the age to come.

For Example - Matthew 15:22-28. 
This is the story of the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus asking for healing for her child.
It was not yet time for Gentiles to partake of the grace of God, yet through faith and persistence, she got her request. 

God will make ALL things new

Isaiah 55:10-11, Gen 15:1-6

God is asking us to believe his Word. Don't look at your circumstances. Just look at his Word and receive it. Say like Mary, 'let it be unto me according to your Word'. He is making ALL things new.

Mercy makes your life glorious. 


• 2020 is your year of pleasant surprises
• Daily God will give you surprises
• You will be a wonder to many
• You will enjoy multiple harvests
• You will have the harvest of 10 years in one year
• You will break forth in joy
• 2020 is the year of multiple restoration
• 2020 is a very mysterious year
• 2020 is the womb of this decade
• Tonight, each one will go home with new things
• You go home with new breakthroughs, new victories, new promotions
• Delayed blessings will manifest tonight
• Miracles you have been waiting for will manifest tonight
• This month, this very month you will ride brand new cars
• You will be in your new houses this year, not rented but your own house, you own the keys
• You will become the new bride, the new bridegroom
• Barrenness is cancelled
• Delay is cancelled
• Everyone trusting God for new babies receive now! You don’t need more than the word for you to conceive. Everyone that has been called barren you become joyful mothers in the name of Jesus
• New things will happen, positive things will happen, glorious things
• In whatever way the devil has blinded your eyes, mercy will open it
• Your glorious destiny, you will see it
• The blessing God has reserved for you tonight, you will see it and you will connect with it
• Every plan that my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up
• Today will change your life forever
• Whatever the devil has planted in your is destroyed
• Sickness be destroyed
• The Lord shall make all things new in your life
• In every area of your life God shall make all things new
• Whatever trouble you came with to this house is over
• This month you will laugh
• This year you will laugh
• He will satisfy you
• Because of the help of God, you will not be ashamed.
• The Lord who sits on the throne will make all things new in my life
• The breakthrough begins now
• Long standing problems will vanish
• Mountains will move
• Every negative thing is over

Prophecies concerning Nigeria

• God will give us the Nigeria of our dreams

• God has invested so much in Nigeria to let Nigeria go to waste.

• There is a new wave of glory coming upon Nigeria. This new wave will usher in Muslim converts into the church in millions. This new wave will raise a new crop of leaders that will kill corruption, bring the council of the Lord to pass and make Nigeria new.

Radiant ~ January 2020

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

The Power of your Mind (book summary)

Many people begin a new year with resolutions to read new books, say at least one a month. By mid year, many of those resolutions have not been achieved. Sometimes, knowing what book to read is a challenge as there are so many options. If you are like me, you like to read books on recommendation. Why waste time and money reading a book only to discover midway that it is crap, when a recommendation could have guided you to a better use of your resources? Well, I'm here to help you avoid that by talking about the first book I have completed this year. If you are a Christian seeking spiritual growth, if you seek personal development, if you want to see new and good things come to fruition in your life this year, then I recommend this book.

Title - The Power of your mind

Author - Dr Chris Oyakhilome. He is the President of Believer's Love World ministry a.k.a Christ Embassy. 

Number of pages: 176

The main message of the book is that we can recreate our world by the use of our mind.

He says, "what you become in life is largely determined by the content and quality of your mind, because with your mind you can change anything about you". The Bible says "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind". Romans 12:2

Who you are today is a function of your mind. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Prov 23:7.

Only through God's word can the inward man be discovered and educated. 

Heb 4:12 The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

The information we receive into our minds produces faith or fear, strength or weakness.

God instructs us to diligently protect/guard our minds. Prov 4:23.

God's yardstick for measuring good thoughts are listed in Phil 4:8. Our thoughts must be of things that are true (in line with God's Word), honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy.

Your thoughts affect things around you. You can, by your negative thoughts, send negative energy to your surroundings and cause evil to happen to you. 

Use the Word of God (our only offensive element of the believer's armour) to pull down strongholds of negative thoughts.

When God shows us a promise, we have the right to produce it through our imagination. In recreating our world, we must first see it from within (our mind's vision). "The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing". Help your vision by focusing your mind on things in line with the vision.

Of course, the book addresses more, including how Abraham, Isaac and Jacob helped their visions come to pass through their imaginations. If you want to know it all, go grab your copy now. The book is available on Amazon in different formats. Click the link below to buy. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy New Year, Happy Reading.

Radiant ~ January 2020