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Saturday, 6 June 2020

Maternity Leave/Lockdown goals: What I have been up to

So I happened to give birth to my amazing newborn during the beginning of the UK Coronavirus lockdown period. Before delivery I had set out goals for my maternity leave as I was going to be taking a career break, I would have more time to introspect and hopefully think up and develop new skills apart from mothering. The first month of motherhood was challenging - but in a good way of course. I could not visit my goals as I was very well occupied with nursing, changing nappies, catching naps, bathing baby and so on. Now that my son is 2 months old, with help from my mom and hubby, I've settled into a nice routine and have now picked up some of those goals. We're still on lockdown, so it works for that too. This is what I have been up to.

1. Baking
I had started learning to bake before my delivery, but infrequently. Now I bake quite regularly. I have learnt different cake recipes via YouTube. I even baked my own birthday cakes. For someone who enjoys having sweets in between meals, it's nice and cheaper to make my own snacks.
From left to right, chocolate cake, banana cake, decorated vanilla pound cake, carrot cake and plain vanilla cake.

2. Reading
At the beginning of this year, I had said I would read at least one book a month. I started off alright, but got busy. This period, though tough, I have been able to get some time to read a little. However, I still have loads of ebooks on my list.

3. Spiritual development
In order to develop spiritually, one needs to regularly make time to shut out noise from the world in the form of work or other commitments. Call it a retreat, I have found time during this period to feed my spirit. I've been listening to Apostle Joshua Selman's sermons on YouTube. This has re-awakened my prayer life. Thank God for Zoom online platform, my church is still able to meet regularly. 

4. Connecting with family and friends
During the working time, I never had enough time to check up on people as I would have loved to. During this period, I have been able to catch up with family through video calls. Whatsapp group chats are now more active than ever due to the lockdown, so much I can't even keep up.

5. Continuous Professional Development
Thanks to many free webinars available these days, I have been able to keep up to date with my medical knowledge.

Other things I have been engaged with include social media management for my church and online activities of my university medical alumni group.

So that's what I've been up to lately asides from my number one duty which is to look after my lovely newborn. You see, whether it's lockdown or maternity leave, a period of staying at home is not so bad afterall. There are so many good things you could achieve during this period. But if all you have achieved is rest or family time, that is worth its weight in gold especially if you are one that finds it difficult to make time to chillax. 

I'd love to hear what you have been up to during this period. Please leave me a comment below or send me a mail at chidiogoradiant@gmail.com.

Radiant ~ June 2020


Anonymous said...

I have attempted alot of of stuff but have failed in so many.
Started off with a book which I have still not completed.
Started buying baking tools and ingredients but yet to begin.
Also desperate to begin FOREX trading but not making headway yet.
However I perfected skills on grilled Catfish barbeque, moi-moi.
In all, I'll keep pushing๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Never give up, they say ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ–

Choxy said...

I have attempted alot of of stuff but have failed in so many.
Started off with a book which I have still not completed.
Started buying baking tools and ingredients but yet to begin.
Also desperate to begin FOREX trading but not making headway yet.
However I perfected skills on grilled Catfish barbeque, moi-moi.
In all, I'll keep pushing��. Never give up, they say ����

Onyinye Ifebi said...

I have attempted alot of of stuff but have failed in so many.
Started off with a book which I have still not completed.
Started buying baking tools and ingredients but yet to begin.
Also desperate to begin FOREX trading but not making headway yet.
However I perfected skills on grilled Catfish barbeque, moi-moi.
In all, I'll keep pushing๐Ÿ˜ƒ. Never give up, they say ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ–

Radiant said...

@Onyi ๐Ÿ˜† I feel you dear. At least you made the decision to start and you got your tools. Slow and steady wins the race. Just take one day at a time. God’s grace.

Joy Obiweluozor said...

Amazing post emphasizing our need to invest time in our growth and development,not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually which most of us tend to not find time for. Welldone, Chidiogo. I particularly like Apostle Joshua Selman.
Love to your baby, by the way. They will grow in wisdom,stature and in favour with God and Man. Cheers.

Radiant said...

@Joy thanks so much for your comment. Amen to your prayers.