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Friday, 4 August 2017

All work and no play

So I'm currently cooling off even though I have my dissertation hand-in deadline looming at me. My supervisors are going on vacation next week and I've been told to have my draft ready for them to go through by Wednesday next week though I still have some analysis to do which I thought I was going to be shown how to do but got bubble-busted today. They had told me they will "show me" how and I went for today's meeting expectant. I stayed awake till 1:30 am this morning getting ready the results I needed for the meta-analysis as it is called, all for them to tell me today, "use the guide in your notes". Anyway, I'm not very surprised. Thank God I was given a heads up by a friend and former MPH student who had told me not to expect them to put me through because they did the same in her time. I guess I have to dust my notes then. I have 4 days of labour in front of me. I've counted today out 'cause I need a breather from the past many days I've stayed up late to get these results out. I haven't seen a movie in a while. I'm going to have my fill today. I can't kill myself.

So after the meeting with my supervisors, I went home, dropped my laptop and went off to the city center for some shopping. If the next four days will not be hell, I need to have enough food stocked up to pull through. 

As I got to the city center, I realized that I have really missed out on this summer. I have been hardly out to the city to see the scenery and feel the sun because I'm at my study place 24/7. See all that I have missed. 

The city center has dramatically changed. It's so amazing how we can create any atmosphere or experience anywhere. Can you believe that beach is artificial? I mean, they got a wooden platform and just poured sand on it. Ingenuity. There are also roller coasters. It's all bubbling. This is the perfect time for a holiday and I'm spending mine glued to my laptop. Aal izz well!

I am back from my shopping and I've cooked myself my favorite Banga soup. Now lounging on my bed ready to see a movie. Iroko Tv had better have new movies. I need all the relaxation I can get this night to face the next 4 days.

So help me God!

©Radiant ~ August 2017

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