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Thursday, 12 October 2017

Keeping up with Radiant (Life in London)

Hi guys. I know you've not heard from me in a while. Really, I have no excuses. I could say I've had a lot on my plate like relocating to London, writing a professional exam, starting an internship, and all that jazz, but the truth is - I've been pretty lazy. Nothing should be enough to distract me from doing what I love the most. So, I'm really sorry I haven't met your expectations. I'm sorry for the times you've visited my blog, all to see that I had not posted anything new. I know that feeling. Like all those days of going on YouTube to check if SGIT Season 4 was out. I just gave up. But thankfully, it's back now. Just that it is being released in aliquots and I'm not good with suspense. I think I might just wait till the whole season is out and then watch everything at once. 
So to catch up with what has been going on with me lately. Firstly, I am now a Masters in Public Health degree holder. Yippee! I am soooooo grateful for the past year, even though I was almost regretting that I did not make the distinction I so longed and worked for. I got a Merit instead and you know how it is - your mind tells you, 'if only you had worked harder in that one course that brought down your marks', 'if only you spent more time studying', 'if only you didn't have to work'. But looking on the bright side, I can say I had a great year. I got the chance to explore different things. I sang in the choir every Sunday, I performed Superman on stage, I launched a food business and got a few customers and learnt some business lessons too, I worked as a catering assistant so I understand more about the hospitality industry, I wrote my professional exams, I blogged (at least, to some extent) and I acquired new skills during the Masters programme (which I'm applying in my current internship). I also made friends and acquaintances. So I can say it was indeed a great year. My regret though is that I did not learn the guitar which has been on my priority list for so long; and less importantly, I did not visit any other European country. 
Secondly, I am now a Londoner and I'm trying to adjust to the cost of living and pace of life here. To begin with, my rent is almost twice what it was in Nottingham, whereas the room is about half the size of the one in Notts. Next, transportation cost is something else. Plus the human traffic at the underground train (tube) stations every morning. This morning I decided to take a bus to work instead of the tube because I heard that bus travel is cheaper. So I woke up very early. My dearest Google Map had said it would take 48 minutes, but I gave a one-hour leeway, just in case. The traffic was terrible, almost a gridlock. My bus driver had to end the journey abruptly and gave us temp tickets to board another bus. Story was that there was an accident early in the morning. People were dismounting and continuing their journeys on foot. Who was going to board another bus when all buses were in the same boat? I had no idea how to get to work from where he'd stopped us because I had no internet on my phone. After much perambulating, I got to work one hour late full of apologies. I can now understand why the tube is always jam-packed with people even though it's costlier. What I can't wrap my head around is how I'd buy a return train ticket to travel outside London and on my return journey I'd stand up throughout the journey because all the seats are occupied. I just don't get it. Y'all Londoners, please give me top tips on surviving in London so I don't have to learn from several bad experiences. Looking forward to your comments. Ciao. 
Radiant ~ October 2017

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