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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Meet My Classmates 2

Hi guys. So this weekend I would like you to meet three of my wonderful classmates: Tawonga, Cheryl and Rosa.

My name is Tawonga Mwase-Vuma from Malawi. I have worked with Malawi’s Ministry of Health as a Nurse/Midwife before doing my undergraduate degree in Public Health. I chose to study MPH so that I can gain a wider understanding of other health contexts and ways of working so that I will be able to apply world-class healthcare solutions to the developing (health) systems in Malawi. I want to plan and manage health programmes that will improve lives and prevent tragedy. I want to see my country realise a reduction in the burden of diseases through prevention rather than cure. I like watching football,  playing volleyball and making new friends.

Me, Tawonga Savina & friend at the Cineworld cinema on Friday.

We went to see "A United Kingdom". By the way, y'all should see it. It's dope.

Hi. I’m Cheryll Smith! I’m a Japanese-American student from the US and I’m currently studying for my MPH in International Health. I received my bachelor’s degree from the US in Clinical Laboratory Sciences and worked in the hematology lab of a hospital for 3.5 years before coming to Nottingham. I chose to go into Public Health to be a part of the heath care field which aids in education, prevention, and maintenance of disease. I believe this coursework will give me the necessary tools so I can successfully practice my passion of helping others and making a difference! A little known secret about me is that I originally went to university for fine arts and somehow switched to medical science! I’m not only passionate about helping others, but I also love creating new worlds with pen and paper!
So I asked her this evening for a piece of her art and she did this portrait of herself in 15 mins. Isn't it amazing?

Hi my name is Rosa and I am in the same class as Chidiogo. I am studying the MPH course full time this year. I graduated from Liverpool University in July 2015 after studying Health, Nutrition and Well being and I have been working with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) since then. I am originally from Devon, South West England but I decided to move to Nottingham to study this interesting and engaging course as well as exploring the local area. I am also a European Champion Cheerleader and have joined the Nottingham Knights Cheer Squad here. When I am not training I am going for brunch, having fun with my flatmates or smashing the gym. This year, Manuel (you guys remember Manuel from the previous 'Meet my classmates') and I are course representatives for both MPH pathways and hope to be the voice of our courses.

Rosa doing her thing
It's interesting to see other aspects to people, to know what makes them unique and to share in their world. More to come.

Have a lovely week and don't forget to leave a comment.

©Radiant ~November 2016

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