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Wednesday, 15 January 2020

WAFBEC 2020 Day 2 Evening session - Bishop Wale Oke

You step into your glory today
Every thing that has intimidated you before, you will dominate them
Tonight, the glory will change you.
The glory will make all things new in your life.
You will never recover from tonight.
The past years of your life are preparatory for tonight.
Tonight enter into destiny fulfillment

The winds from the 4 corners of the earth will blow in your favour. I can see you lifted for generational celebrations
Someone lost something precious 12 yrs ago. You thought and you said this is irreparable.
In this house tonight, what you lost 12 yrs ago, you are taking it home. Joel 2:25

The enemy put the destiny of Joseph on hold until his Word came.
Everything was changed. His prison garment was changed. Get ready for a change of garment.
His status changed. The gates, bars and fetters were destroyed.

Somebody here, you will hit the front page of the newspaper through a significant appointment

When your Word comes, everything must change.

There will be multiple weddings.

Cancer is vanishing, tumour is vanishing, leukaemia is vanishing.
Tonight God will trouble your trouble.

Every plant that the enemy has planted I root them up.

The Word heals you. Receive healing.

If you want to know what you look like, don't look at the mirror. Look at God. Whatever is not in God, should not be found in you.

Gen 1:26-28
By reason of creation, we are dignified. By reason of redemption, we are super dignified.
The first interaction man had with God was a blessing.

From today, for the rest of my life, I will walk in the blessing.

Be fruitful.
Twins are being distributed
Many of you will receive triplets

Some great children shall come out of this ministry
Children that will take care of you in your old age, children that will nurture you, children that you're proud of. Children like Isaac.

Lev 25:19
My land shall yield her fruit.

Gen 26:12, Deut 1:11

God's power to multiply is infinite.
This year God will give me multiplied harvests.
Great estates, great houses

The harvest of 10 yrs in this one year.
Through the favour of the most High God, my wealth will multiply, my honour will multiply.
This single year, you will register achievements that will last 1000 years

Radiant ~ Jan 2020

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