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The blogging sphere has crowded up very quickly in the past decade and it even looks like YouTube is taking over. Starting a blog in 2021 se...

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Bangladeshi kwa!

Bangladeshi kwa!

That was my exclamatory reaction, as a typical Igbo girl, alone in my room where I had no chance to 'form', on seeing the statistics on the traffic to my blog. Last time I checked, it was majorly from Nigeria and if there were other countries, they were too little to be noticed. This time it read, over the past one week, Nigeria: 195, Bangladesh: 88, Indonesia: 58, United States: 55, Canada: 11, India: 11, United Kingdom: 9, United Arab Emirates: 5, Netherlands: 5 , Austria: 2. You can imagine my shock on seeing such a statistic. I wouldn't have been so shocked if U.S came after Nigeria, 'cause I'll just assume that it was still from Nigerians since there are many of us in the U.S. But Bangladesh? It's definitely not just from a Nigerian audience.

All I can say is Thank you Lord. Your Word is coming to pass.
Isaiah 60:3 'Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising'.

©Radiant ~January 2015


Anonymous said...

your certainly on the right track, never get distracted, never give up, keep walking like johnny walker, keep going, you sure have a place in the stars

New dimension said...

Lol@ Bangladesh kwa! From Burkina Faso to Bangladesh, they shall keep coming. At some point years ago, I discovered visitors from over 22 countries reading some of my blogs. Keep up the good work and recieve more traffic from Bangladesh! Keep Hope Alive!